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Treatment of endometriosis should focus on achieving azoospermia, thus avoiding fertilization of the ova [5]. In addition to achieving azoospermia the patients' own fertility should be preserved by regular check-ups and treatment with progestational drugs should be avoided, if possible. The best approach can therefore be to select only patients already exhibiting azoospermia and avoid the rest. This approach is based on the hypothesis that azoospermia is an early marker of ovarian failure. Even azoospermia can, however, be caused by more advanced diseases such as polycystic ovary syndrome, PCOS, or ovarian syndrome with androgen insensitivity syndrome. The patient should therefore undergo hormonal treatment as soon an appropriate infertility diagnosis and progestational drugs are available. The use of hormone replacement therapy is advisable in patients with mild to moderate ovarian dysfunction [3]. The choice of progestogens usually depends on the extent of endometriosis and duration after diagnosis of the disease, as well on severity of the disease, individual's past tamoxifen rezeptfrei bestellen experience with progestogens, and physical factors involved, such as infertility treatments. Hormonal therapy will be particularly appropriate if endometriosis is still active as a cause of infertility [3]. Only progestogens in the form of ethinyl estradiol or levonorgestrel, used for many years as contraceptives, have been shown to be capable of providing a permanent, effective and safe form of contraception in a large number of patients with endometriosis [3, 5]. It is therefore only necessary to start treatment with ovulation-stimulating drugs, unless the patient has had use of hormonal contraception for more than 6 months and if there is no sign of sexual dysfunction or activity due to the disease. In this case an additional trial of medication (in the form a contraceptive patch or ring) may be advisable. Pregnancy should only avoided in patients with known or probable fertility problems with a history of previous pregnancies prior to diagnosis of their disease [3]. The most accurate method of progesterone treatment is a continuous hormone contraceptive application. daily application will not only ensure the highest possible use of medication, but also the lowest possible risk of side effects. A continuous contraceptive application of 30 mcg ethinyl estradiol or levonorgestrel at start-up produces a pregnancy rate of 10-13 % [3].
Women who meet the criteria for ovarian endometriosis should be offered treatment of this diagnosis. The should be aimed at achieving azoospermia in order to avoid fertilization of ova. However, it should not be suggested that progestogens should used as a preventative measure against ovulation in the event that this should occur. The treatment also be aimed at maintaining the integrity of endometrium for better reproductive health of the patient. In setting disease progression and/or increased activity this may require a higher dose of progestogens, which in turn may require progestogens to be used even in the presence of normal fertility [8, 9].
Finally, progestogen treatment should be offered irrespective of age [3, 5], as it is an effective and safe method of contraception. For the management endometriosis in women aged 50-59 years, these patients may, to a large extent, be treated with an extended cyclic administration of progestogens (for example, 20 generic viagra usa pharmacy mcg at first use, then 10 mcg for each month of treatment) [3].
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