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Viagra comes as a tablet containing sildenafil citrate, to take by mouth. For most men, the recommended dose is 50 mg. taken, as needed, approximately 1 hour before sexual activity. However, sildenafil citrate may be taken anywhere from 4 hours to 0.5 hour before sexual activity. Based on effectiveness and toleration, the dose may be increased to a maximum recommended dose of 100 mg or decreased to 25 mg. The maximum recommended dosing frequency is once per day.
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Yes Viagra was invented in Austria, and the first drug available over counter was called Frosamax, available by prescription, in the United States for nearly four years earlier this year. The medication is used to treat an erection problem.
How does Viagra work?
Viagra is used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED), the inability to get an erection or maintain that is of normal length and function. ED may be caused by the underlying cause of erectile dysfunction or is a symptom of other underlying issues.
Is Viagra a drug that causes erectile dysfunction, or just relieves a men's sexual dysfunction?
As Viagra is available without a prescription in the US, it doesn't cause ED and is very unlikely to cause erectile dysfunction.
Who uses Viagra?
Viagra can treat chronic sexual dysfunction. The drug is commonly used by men who want to maintain a healthy sex life while not having too frequently. About 33 million men in the U.S. take prescription drug each month. Viagra doesn't work for everyone. Certain conditions, such as alcoholism, depression, liver and kidney problems, obesity, hypothyroidism, make it ineffective, so talk to your doctor before beginning use of the drug.
What types of men take Viagra?
Doctors are using a
Vardenafil tablets dosage new treatment that looks lot like Viagra but works differently. This drug treatment is called sildenafil citrate. This an osmotic liquid-based spray that can be used as well just a tablet. The spray contains molecule similar to Viagra. Doctors began using this drug to treat erectile dysfunction in 2006.
Does Viagra break down or degrade?
Viagra doesn't break down, but is countries where you can buy viagra over the counter converted through a natural process into an active form, which is used to treat erectile dysfunction. This is true of all oral drugs.
Should your health care provider use a different medication, or combine Viagra with another medication, for your erectile dysfunction?
Yes, if both medications that work together are used. This is referred to as a double-blind, randomized, double-dummy, placebo-controlled clinical trial. In some cases, an older, older dose of one medication, such as levitra, may be combined with its active medication to help restore an erection.
Is there any other type of erectile dysfunction treatments (e.g. Viagra and antidepressants) or medication that can help me?
Yes, there are other types of treatment options for ED. Viagra isn't used with other medications for erectile dysfunction, but other medications such as antidepressants or other psychotropic drugs may be combined with the drug to help treat underlying (unspecified) erectile dysfunction issues. These medications can affect each other's workings, and also increase the overall effects of drug, so it is difficult to know which the
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Can I take Viagra if used to use tobacco?
Yes, if you used to smoke and are on medication for smoking cessation. Remember, not every pill or drug you take medication regularly may be appropriate if you already smoke, so check the package insert for any possible potential interactions. Doctors are working on a product containing this medication for smokers who are using a nicotine patch or gum that they can turn on or off remotely.
What should I take in the mornings after a night of heavy REM sleep?
Sleep doctors and drugstore manufacturers have developed a combination supplement that treats excessive REM sleep while you are still awake. This solution is a mixture of bicarbonate (baking soda) and caffeine. The result is equivalent of more than a cup coffee day. couple of drops in the morning before most of other medications that can disrupt sleep are taken, and then your body receives the caffeine with bicarbonate, which then helps you get another dose of the caffeine as you fall asleep.
What side affects can occur if I take Viagra?
There are no special circumstances or risks associated with taking drug prices in canada vs usa Viagra. However, an imbalance of hormones caused by the drug may produce side effects such as headache, fatigue, or a change in taste. Certain men should stay hydrated (or drink extra water) after taking Viagra, while others may be dehydrated or experience other complications (including kidney damage).
How do side effects of Viagra compare with other drugs?
There are virtually no side effects reported for Viagra in clinical trials. The drug has undergone rigorous safety studies and the results of these tests show there are no serious side effects.
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